DJ Melitia: Pimping The Decks
By Kerry Witting
Published Wednesday, 30 March 2016 17:42
DJ Melitia has a vast range of different genres that she mixes namely: Hip Hop, electronic, jazz, blues, punk rock and rock n roll. It’s so awesome to see girls on the decks and above all with some skill on top of that as we all know it’s not easy to mix Hip Hop. Originally from Cape Town, DJ Melitia now lives in Johannesburg, killing the scene up there. We caught up with DJ Melitia ahead of her appearance at the Lets Swing It Family Picnic.
You are originally from Cape Town, what made you move to Johannesburg?
I am actually originally for Jozi. (laughs) but lived in CT for almost 10 years. I moved back up to Joburg when I had my little boy, it’s always better to be near family in that situation.
Have you always been into Hip Hop and punk rock? Do you have a favourite to mix with?
I’ve traditionally always DJ’d Hip Hop, Jazz, Electronic, Blues type stuff and still mostly do. Punk rock is something I grew up on. I landed up DJ’ing with the legendary Hog Hoggidy Hogs on the punk rock tip and would play in between all their shows for close to 10 years. Good times.
What was it like working with Jack Parow?
I know Zander from my university days in CT and we have a lot of mutual friends. He has remained one of the humblest, most talented and nicest guys in the industry. DJ’ing with him has always been a surprise because he would usually ask me 10 minutes before he went on stage. Thank goodness I’d usually be a couple of brandy and cokes down to have the courage to press play.
Have you played before at Let's Swing It? And if you have what can we expect?
I played the previous event at Bullion Bar and it was really fun. You can expect a mash-up of the best old school meets new school swing. I am to warm up all your feet for the long night of dancing ahead.
Where do you draw your influences from for your sets?
I think all of us on the line-up might say our parents; I play a lot of stuff that I used to dance to with my Mom as a kid. She knows how to boogie. Some newer stuff like The Atomic Fireballs comes directly from my punk rock roots.