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Getting Mad With The Moths

| Interviews

By Kyle Gregorowski

Published Thursday, 08 October 2015 21:32

It’s difficult to write anything about The Moths. I suppose if you’ve never heard them, that you need some kind of info about their sound. They’re a surf-inspired, minimal 3-piece dedicated to the noble art of making cool tunes.

I chatted to them ahead of their appearance at the unbelievably large Arcade Empire Halloween JHB show – make sure you get yourself there to hear the band I think is the coolest in SA right now.

What is it that makes surf so damn cool?

Beached whales (not you, girls).

Are you guys going ghoulish for Halloween?

No, we’re Jewish. Just joking, we’re actually Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Have you ever crowd surfed?


What’s the weirdest compliment you’ve ever received?

“Jussis I’ve never seen an oke tickle a guitar like that.”

What are you guys listening to at the moment?

Brafcharge, Bitch Boys and Gun Club.

In less than 10 words, why should we come to watch you on Halloween?

Because you’ve already seen Shortstraw.

Any other words of wisdom you’d like to share?


Updated on:
>> Friday, 30 September 2022 13:10

Instrumental Rock

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The Moths

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