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Alice Phoebe Lou: The Real Thing

| Lifestyle

By Yolanda Saayman

Published Monday, 06 February 2017 10:30

I have been following Alice’s career with great interest since she opened for Rodriguez in Cape Town, February 2016.

Alice is no longer that shy girl who could not look up from the floor to face her audience. She says that playing on the streets has taught her to communicate and not be afraid while performing on stage. Her growth as an artist is noticeable in the way she moves and interacts with her audience, but more specifically, in the way her voice dances to the rhythm of the notes.

Her piercing blue eyes demands attention while she challenges the status quo through her music and profound lyrics and leaves the audience inspired with food for thought.

She believes that art and creativity should be collaborative and surrounds herself with musicians and artists who adds intuitively to the music. This was evident during her recent show at the Methodist Church on Greenmarket Square which formed part of her Coming Home Tour.  Here she shared the stage with various musicians including the musical genius Olmo (Francesco Lo Giudice) and multi-instrumentalist Matteo Pavesi.

Her latest renditions of 'Devil’s Sweetheart' and 'Grey' from the Momentum EP are simply phenomenal. Alice is visibly comfortable in her own skin and she performs with an energy which is contagious.  

As an independent, uncompromising artist, she too, refuses to sell out to consumerism and despite the fame that followed her TedXBerlin appearance, the young artist remains humble and continues to play on the streets of Berlin. 

In her own words:  “I see music as a gift and a tool for positive change.”

Updated on:
>> Monday, 07 November 2022 07:01

Alice Phoebe Lou, Event Recap


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