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DEADWOLFF Release New Single 'Homeward Bound' 

| Music

By Underground Press

Published Monday, 23 January 2023 08:26

Deadwolff have released their latest single 'Homeward Bound' via Golden Robot Records

This is the second single for the up-and-coming Canadian rockers following the 2022 release of their appropriately titled debut single 'Heavy Rock n' Roll'.

'Homeward Bound' is a top pick amongst the band for their upcoming debut full-length album, expected out later in the year. On the surface, the song is catchy and easy to sing along to track, but hidden layers hide heavy emotions. It's a song about being bullied and trying to get in with the popular crowd while having to fight to prove your worth; a topic most people can relate to on some level.

"A trauma-based tune, heavy and raw, such is life," says frontman Tommy Wolffe. 

Keep your eyes peeled for the 'Homeward Bound' music video, out in early February.

Updated on:
>> Monday, 23 January 2023 08:34

Rock, Hard Rock, Deadwolff, Heavy Rock

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About Deadwolff

Deadwolff is a three-piece band based out of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Founded in 2020, Deadwolff is composed of Tommy Wolffe, on bass and vocals, Bobby Deuce, on guitars and backing vocals, and Angus Pike on drums.
In late December of 2020, Boonsdale Records released the band’s debut EP digitally. Shortly after, Deadwolff signed with Metal Assault Records, based out of Los Angeles, and released their debut EP on cassette, which sold out quickly.
As of recently, Deadwolff has been touring throughout Canada, bringing their catchy hooks, and eccentric live show to electric audiences. Building momentum quickly, Deadwolff sought out and was noticed by Golden Robot Records, who is set to release their full-length debut album.


Deadwolff - Homeward Bound

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