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OCEANS OF ANGELS, a South African Melodic Pop Rock Project, returns with 'THE GIFT', the sensational debut EP by sonic genius Sheldon Horvatic, which was produced by Matthew Fink.

By Underground Press

Published Friday, 17 February 2023 07:46

Oceans of Angels release their highly expected debut EP today called The Gift… and what a gift it is indeed to the excited and adoring fans who got to love their sensational Melodic Pop Rock hits since formation in 2021 by sonic extraordinaire Sheldon Horvatic.

Oceans of Angels unleashed their debut single and video ‘Shattered Soldier’ in March 2022 to critical acclaim, achieving radio charting positions in South Africa, Australia, and the UK. In May 2022 Sheldon got an opportunity to play several shows in London, taking Oceans of Angels on the road for the first time. Shortly thereafter, Oceans of Angels released their sophomore single ‘Still on Fire’ in June (produced, mixed, and mastered by Matthew Fink, who also worked on ‘Shattered Soldier’ and 'The Gift').

Founder, Guitarist & Vocalist Sheldon Horvatic shares that “I wrote this body of work from my heart and it’s about the rollercoaster of love and life. It is true to me, and I hope it resonates with other people too. The Gift includes the previously released singles ‘Shattered Soldier’ and ‘Still On Fire’. The EP speaks of heartache and difficulties, but my main message is the title track, ‘The Gift’ which is about putting your own emotions behind the importance of somebody else’s. I wrote this with the thought of loving someone so much that you leave the situation instead of ever hurting them, I don’t think people do this enough – if we truly love somebody, it’s about them not us. A huge thank you to Matthew Fink for working on this EP with me, it wouldn’t have been possible without him.”

Oceans Of Angels UP 1

Sheldon shares the following insights from 'The Gift'

'Loaded Gun' is a song I wrote about self-reflection; it speaks about personal issues that end up hurting other people. Sometimes we must fix ourselves and nobody can help with, unfortunately. The song is an apology.

'Shattered Soldier' is a song I wrote and released as my debut single early in 2022, but it is still the closest song to me. I wrote the song about giving your all and feeling rejected by someone and from there I tried to work on myself and I realised that my struggles are mostly caused by myself. I wrote the rest of the EP based on the emotion of Shattered Soldier and I tried to embrace all the emotions that brought that up within myself. Shattered Soldier was basically me feeling sorry for myself, but the EP sort of turned into more of an apology, especially in the tracks ‘Loaded Gun’ and ‘The Gift’.

The title track 'The Gift' is probably the most meaningful song personally I’ve written to date. It’s based on loving someone so much that you choose to not damage them by removing yourself from the situation even though that hurts you. Loving someone so much that it isn’t about you.

'Carnival' is about growing up, but still feeling like a child at heart when it comes to hurt and the need to feel loved. Strength comes from within us, and I guess that’s always the battle.

I wrote 'Still On Fire' about the internal battle of exterior love. Tormenting and driving yourself crazy, based on the hopes a relationship will fulfil you, but never does. The lyrics cry out for a love hoping that ‘We are still on fire’, but realistically it's more about the demons we create within ourselves. I imagine nobody can love you until you love yourself.

I wrote 'Only An Echo' about loving and opening yourself up to someone knowing you are giving them power over your heart and accepting it may hurt in the end. It's about the gamble of love, I guess.

Updated on:
>> Thursday, 16 February 2023 09:19

Pop Rock, Oceans of Angels, Melodic Pop Rock

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Oceans of Angels

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  • Melodic Pop Rock

About Oceans of Angels

Oceans of Angels is a Melodic Pop Rock Band from South Africa. The band was formed in 2021 by Sheldon Horvatic, who started his career playing the drums at the age of 9 and soon after mastered several additional instruments.
Sheldon played drums and guitar for various South African bands in his youth, then left home to travel the world on ships, exploring and experiencing various countries and inspirational cultures.
During this time sailing the oceans, Sheldon was enthused to write numerous songs, and the concept for Oceans of Angels was born.


Oceans of Angels - The Gift

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Photo By Craig Nielson

Photography by Craig Nielson