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Pop Punk Outfit ON HIGH Set To Drop New Single 'Alive' Alongside Superhero-Inspired Music Video

| Music

Pop-punk outfit ON HIGH dropped their latest single and video for 'Alive', and it’ll hit you right in your nostalgic pop-punk feels!

By Underground Press

Published Wednesday, 12 April 2023 10:54

Fusing propulsive punk energy, stadium-size pop prowess, alternative sizzle, and a ball-busting sense of humour, ON HIGH play the soundtrack to the best night of your life. 

"'Alive' is about the struggle to get over lost love and the push and pull of cognitive dissonance from within that perspective. Being aware that a situation is out of your control bundled with intentional ignorance can cascade into more heartbreak. Sometimes, we wish people would be 'better'. The dirty superhero theme showcases how as clean as we want our inner voices to be, we must accept that we are all imperfect. The line 'nobody gets me high, but on a brighter side tonight I think that I’m alive…' is pointing out my realization that nobody is responsible for my happiness except myself - a truth the darker side of me didn’t want to subscribe to. (Sam Boxold, vocalist) ON HIGH started from the idea of making what we wanted without any outside influences. This is the first time we get to be us, just our uniquely flawed human selves. No big producers, labels, managers or whatever, telling us we have to be a certain way, look a certain way or be anything besides ourselves. We wanted to make a project where we didn’t have to feel like we needed to please anyone or make something because we are told to. ON HIGH is our opportunity to create what we want and be who we want." 

Collectively, the band has been part of successful projects from multiple genres working with industry powerhouses like John Feldmann, Zakk Cervini, Ashton Irwin, Calum Hood and Travis Barker. The band includes Sam Boxold [vocals, guitar], Alex Lofton [bass], and Andy Ackroyd [drums].

Updated on:
>> Thursday, 13 April 2023 11:16

Pop Punk, On High

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On High

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  • Pop Punk

About On High

Hailing from various Rise Records and BMG projects, ON HIGH is a band ready to take their place in pop punk history. Having worked with everyone from John Feldmann to Blink 182, their music hits just as you’d expect from pop punk veterans!
Fusing propulsive punk energy, stadium-size pop prowess, alternative sizzle, and a ball-busting sense of humor, ON HIGH play the soundtrack to the best night of your life.
Sam Boxold [vocals, guitar], Alex Lofton [bass], Andy Ackroyd [drums]. Collectively part of successful projects from multiple genres working with the likes of industry powerhouses John Feldmann, Zakk Cervini, Ashton Irwin, Calum Hood and Travis Barker.


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