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Ruff Majik - Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Ruff Majik Pay Homage to Scott Pilgrim vs. The World With Two Exclusive Cover Releases

| Music

By Underground Press

Published Friday, 10 November 2023 08:20

Ruff Majik, the notorious heavy stoner rock band known for their thunderous riffs and explosive performances, release their tribute to Scott Pilgrim vs. The World today. The band, led by the indomitable Johni Holiday, have recorded versions of 'Threshold' and 'Black Sheep', two iconic tracks from the movie's soundtrack in anticipation of the new Netflix series launching on November 17th.

Johni has long been an ardent fan of both the Scott Pilgrim vs. The World movie and the original graphic novel by Bryan Lee O'Malley. These influences played a pivotal role in shaping the band's identity and musical direction from the very beginning.

Commenting on the project, Holiday expressed his deep connection to the source material “I saw Scott Pilgrim v.s. The World at the tender age of 18 - a high school loser with high hopes for getting my band out of the garage one day. My teenage mind completely missed the plot of the movie (or the fact that there was even any graphic novels before it) and just cared about the gnarly garage rock emanating from the soundtrack, thanks to fictional bands ‘Sex-bob-omb’ and ‘The Clash At Demonhead’. My fate was pretty much sealed after that, as I dug into every last piece of novelisation and memorabilia I could get my hands on. Weird as it may be to say, I think the soundtrack of Scotty P. is one of my greatest influences of all time - we still say “we gotta play now & LOUD!” to each other before Ruff Majik takes the stage. So here you go, a love letter to my favourite fictional universe.”

The release features Ruff Majik's unique take on two tracks that have become anthems in their own right.

Updated on:
>> Thursday, 16 November 2023 07:34

Rock, Ruff Majik, Stoner Rock, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

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Ruff Majik

Ruff Majik

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  • Stoner Rock

About Ruff Majik

Ruff Majik was born in a small town in the middle of nowhere. In this small town, three friends found mutual ground in their love for epic riffs, fantasy and booze. They decided to take on the void, fill it with fuzz, and climb their way out of obscurity. Joining forces with new members to turn a once 3 piece into a 5 piece stoner rock juggernaut.
Fast-forward a few years and here we are - European tours have been played, festivals have been attended, and boy howdy - parties have been had. 
So come catch a show. Smoke spliff, obey the riff, and sing along to some melancholy songs.


Ruff Majik - Threshold

Ruff Majik - Black Sheep

Also Available on