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Shores Of Null Drops New Album THE LOSS OF BEAUTY & EU Tour Announced

| Music
2 Apr - 11 May 2023
Shores of Null EU Tour
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Shores of Null continue their melancholic doom metal sound on the release of their fourth album, LOSS OF BEAUTY.

By Underground Press

Published Saturday, 25 March 2023 09:33

Updated on:
>> Saturday, 25 March 2023 09:37

Doom Metal, Doom, Shores of Null, Gothic Black Metal

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Shores of Null

Shores of Null

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  • Doom metal

About Shores of Null

Shores Of Null is a Rome-based metal band, an unwavering presence within the metal underground since their musical outset in 2013. They have churned out two impressive records: “Quiescence” (Candlelight, 2014) and “Black Drapes For Tomorrow” (Candlelight/Spinefarm, 2017), both highly praised by the worldwide music press.
Shores of Null stand out from their contemporaries with their ability to blend seemingly disparate elements into their sound, overwhelmingly heavy and soothing at the same time: blackened aggression stands alongside gothic-doom sections without either sounding out of place.
Their music can be both melancholic yet majestic, made of chorale-like guitar textures across the instrument’s entire range, sustained by a powerful rhythmic section and punctuated by a refined mixture of clean and growled vocals, along with extensive use of pleasing vocal harmonies which have become the band’s trademark through the years.


Shores of Null - Loss of Beauty

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