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Psychedelic Punk Rock Band WE KILL COWBOYS Unleashes New Single and Music Video 'Pink Codeine'

| Music

Get ready to embrace a mind-altering journey into the realm of Psychedelic Punk Rock as We Kill Cowboys unveils their new single and accompanying music video.

By Underground Press

Published Friday, 02 June 2023 08:03

With their signature blend of raw energy, psychedelic aesthetics, and rebellious spirit, this boundary-pushing band is poised to ignite a revolution in the South African heavy music scene.

The track, 'Pink Codeine' is a sonic explosion that transports listeners to a heightened state of consciousness. Seamlessly merging searing guitar riffs, pulsating rhythms, and ethereal vocals, the single encapsulates the essence of the band's unique sound.

We Kill Cowboys has built a reputation for their high-octane live performances, captivating audiences with their electrifying stage presence and infectious energy. With their new single and music video, they continue to push the boundaries of creativity and deliver a sonic punch that resonates deep within the soul.

Commenting on the release lead vocalist Alex Muller expressed, “It was inspired by my struggles with addiction years back. Thinking about the psychological dance that you go through, more so than the physical addiction of a substance. Then it also ties into my thoughts around the ego and the true self and being able to wake up to what your truth really is.”

She adds,

“This song is more of an observation, a sharing of life experience. I think anyone could relate to it and let it speak to them in the way it needs to for that individual… I guess the message is that it’s never too late to wake up to stop hiding from yourself.” 

Updated on:
>> Wednesday, 31 May 2023 09:28

Punk Rock, We Kill Cowboys

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We Kill Cowboys

We Kill Cowboys

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  • Punk Rock

About We Kill Cowboys

We Kill Cowboys is a Cape Town-based, four-piece psychedelic punk-rock/cowpunk band.
Cowpunk is a subgenre of punk rock that began in the United Kingdom and Southern California in the late 1970s - early 1980s. It combines punk rock or new wave with country, folk, and blues in its sound, lyrical subject matter, attitude, and style.


We Kill Cowboys - Pink Codeine

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