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Spoegwolf Preforms To Another Sold-out Venue – Daisy Jones Bar, Stellenbosch

Spoegwolf Preforms To Another Sold-out Venue – Daisy Jones Bar, Stellenbosch

| Editorial

Spoegwolf rocks another sold-out show at Daisy Jones Bar, Stellenbosch!

By Yolanda Saayman

Published Friday, 04 October 2024 08:21

Spoegwolf remains a crowd favourite who performs to sold-out venues consistently. Friday night at the Daisy Jones Bar was no exception, in fact, the show was sold out months ahead.

The venue was filled with an eclectic crowd and the energy on and off the stage was almost tangible.

As it goes, four “plattelandse ” high school friends started a band in a garage in Paarl more than a decade ago. The band at the time was called Ysterkoei, and it was only after they won the Rockspaaider Battle of the Bands contest in 2007 that they changed their name. The thought was to take their passion more seriously, and so Spoegwolf emerged with much vigour, in 2012.

The Afrikaans rock band now resides in Stellenbosch and consists of Danie Reënwolf du Toit (vocals & guitar), Chris von Wielligh (guitar & piano), Moskou du Toit (drums), and Albert van der Merwe (bass & rap).

I remember someone asking me in 2016 if I had heard of the band Spoegwolf. They were alternative and promised to be the next best thing on the Afrikaans rock music scene. I didn’t at the time, but like for many, my interest piqued.

“It’s my first time. I cannot wait to see their show live. I watch all their YouTube videos and they are phenomenal!”

a fan exclaimed!

Trying to understand everyone’s fascination with the band is hard to articulate because it is a combination of Danie’s poetic lyrics (he has an exceptional relationship with words which naturally extends into song), his enigmatic voice, the catchy tunes and the band’s animated performance on stage that mesmerises the audience and makes them come back for more.

Spoegwolf built on their success by becoming the first Afrikaans band in history to reach #1 on the Apple Music Album Charts with the release of their fourth album, Koma, in 2019.

The band’s popularity has expanded and to date, they have toured Europe, UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, with America on the cards.

Embarking on the Spoegwolf musical journey is so worth it. They are indeed phenomenal!

Spoewolf Live at Daisy Jones Bar, Stellenbosch

Spoewolf Live at Daisy Jones Bar, Stellenbosch

Spoewolf Live at Daisy Jones Bar, Stellenbosch

Spoewolf Live at Daisy Jones Bar, Stellenbosch

Spoewolf Live at Daisy Jones Bar, Stellenbosch

Spoewolf Live at Daisy Jones Bar, Stellenbosch

Spoewolf Live at Daisy Jones Bar, Stellenbosch

Spoewolf Live at Daisy Jones Bar, Stellenbosch

Spoewolf Live at Daisy Jones Bar, Stellenbosch

Spoewolf Live at Daisy Jones Bar, Stellenbosch

Spoewolf Live at Daisy Jones Bar, Stellenbosch

Updated on:
>> Friday, 04 October 2024 09:35

Daisy Jones Bar, Stellenbosch, Spoegwolf, Afrikaans Rock Band, Sold-out Venue, Koma, Event Review

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