Interview With Tian Nienaber on his new single, ‘Hurting Love’
By David (Devo) Oosthuizen
Published Friday, 10 September 2021 09:15
We had the opportunity to chat with passionate South African Alternative Singer-Songwriter TIAN NIENABER on the release of his breathtakingly beautiful and spirited single HURTING LOVE, produced by the master in the art of Legehness PEACH VAN PLETZEN at PLANET AWESOME …
For those yet unfamiliar with Tian Nienaber, please give us an overview of the man, the talent, and the passion!
Tian Nienaber: "I am a guitarist that loves singing and writing. I don’t think I ever thought of myself as a singer-songwriter until this debut single. Before this, I always thought of myself as a better guitarist than a writer or singer. I have always loved music in all forms, and this drove me to trying to be an artist others can relate to and look up to".
From your years working behind the scenes, what is the most valuable lesson you learned you feel has been the most advantageous in your career to date?
Tian Nienaber: "For me, I think, the most valuable lesson I have learnt in my time in the industry is to stay humble, never look down on anyone else and just keep working hard".
When exactly did the creative bug bite, and when did you know you wanted to become a Singer-Songwriter?
Tian Nienaber: "I have been writing for quite a few years. I started out when I was 12, so around 14 years ago. When I started out it was mostly poems as I had not yet begun playing any instruments. In 2009 I decided to start changing a few poems into lyrics as I had at the time been playing the guitar for 2 years. This being said, it all started in 2007 when a close friend of mine had committed suicide and I needed a way to express what I had been feeling".
Surviving and thriving in the Pandemic Time, especially as an artist, is naturally a challenge. How have you ensured you remain relevant and grow in this tough time?
Tian Nienaber: "Staying relevant was the biggest thing for me throughout the pandemic. I did quite a few live shows on Facebook, Instagram, etc to try and stay relevant. And then to stay creative and grow a following I did a few cover videos of songs my fanbase at the time wanted to hear. I made some YouTube videos. Quality content was a key to my success in this pandemic".
Who would you rate as your top influences, and why?
Tian Nienaber: "At this stage, I would have to say John Moreland for his writing capabilities, and Chris Klafford for his vocal abilities. These are the two artists I listen to the most at the moment".
Who would be your Bucket List artist or band to support and tour with, and why?
Tian Nienaber: "In South Africa, I would love to be on tour with Dan Patlansky. I have always looked up to him as a guitar player. I believe being on tour with anyone with the level of skill that he has would be an amazing learning experience. That being said, I am a strong believer that any tour, regardless of whom it is with, is an experience to be treasured and grateful for".
If you could put a Super Group together, to play with you, who would all be in this and why?
Tian Nienaber: "I am going to keep to South African players, as I love local artists and believe we have some of the greatest players right here! On drums, I would have to say, David Klassen, I have never seen anyone tighter on the drums than him. On bass, my good friend Raldo Mattheüs has always been my go-to, we have been playing together for quite a while and he brings out the best in me as a performer. On guitar, I would have to go with Danny Smoke and Juan “Floor” Oosthuizen. These two are probably the most versatile players I have seen in my life. As professional as they come!"
Do you have any endorsements yet?
Tian Nienaber: "Unfortunately, I do not yet. I don’t believe that any company could justify endorsements for artists at this point. Hopefully soon I will have a few, I’d be happy with one".
What can your fans look forward to next?
Tian Nienaber: "Well, I have several more singles planned (both Afrikaans and English). I am also planning an acoustic EP, so watch this space!"
Thank you for the opportunity to chat with you Tian and best of luck with HURTING LOVE!