Q n A with Casper Stone
We sat down with Casper Stone of Stones & Bones fame to discuss his solo album, his favourite song and ask him about his thoughts on current events.
By Liny Kruger
Published Friday, 16 July 2021 11:49
We sat down with Casper Stone of Stones & Bones fame to discuss his solo album, his favourite song and ask him about his thoughts on current events.
You are well-known for being one part of Stones& Bones. How did your solo album come about?
"I started playing music with a friend of mine named James Brown in 2015/16 when we were doing our Master’s in Psychology. It was an acoustic setup with just two guitars and vocals. James kept on encouraging me to write and sing and was happy with any idea that I brought to the table. This started to distil a belief in me that perhaps there is another part of me that deserves expression outside of Stones & Bones. It was no coincidence that entering the world of psychology also opened up a different dimension of understanding and expressing art for me. 5-years later and I have an EP. Took me a while".
Tell us more about the radio single FREAK? What inspired the writing of this song.
"There are so many elements women into the single. I was in a phase of reclaiming my sexuality when I wrote this – having realised that my sexual world had been completely ruined by pornography and bi-polar type relationships where hypersexuality would compensate for a lack of emotional safety and intimacy...
I was aware that I still wanted to be able to be someone’s Freak but there was now a desire for emotional connection, vulnerability and sincerity entering the picture. The song speaks of this journey and the inner conflict and ambiguities that come with it".
Which song on the EP is your favourite and why?
"Hahaha. This question is like asking a parent to choose a favourite child. I have favourites for different occasions.
Right now it is the song called '100 Years'. I love this rawness and directness of it. It took me many years to find a partner who inspires me to write from such a place of vulnerability".
There is also an Afrikaans track on the EP. How does this fit in with the rest of the tunes?
"That’s a good question. I am Afrikaans and I feel that it is such a poetic language. It is a part of my heritage and I want to show people how beautiful the language can be when it is not reduced to the plainness often associated with “sokkie” music. “Mis Jou Nie” is a stunning song that I co-wrote with Ruan Xen. It adds much-needed colour to the palette of the EP".
What is the best advice that anyone has ever given you?
"My parents are both Psychologists and they love saying: 'What you try to avoid is what you will find' (wat jy probeer vermy is wat jy kry) I only fully understand this statement as an adult - Whenever we make decisions out of a place of fear, we go to the wrong places and people for the wrong advice and end up with exactly the situation that we were trying to avoid".
How long have you been making music and what was your best moment up to date?
"Let me do the math quick…mmm…I am not very good at math…Plus-minus 20 years...
My best moment was our Stones & Bones euro tour in 2018. I got to go play music in beach bars in Greece with my best friend. I am still jealous of my past self who is having a ball in Greece right now".
How are you coping with the current challenges in the music industry due to covid?
"I remind myself that the challenge is everywhere. We are all going through a rough time, not just the musicians. But, not being able to tour and have adventures really sucks. I am spending the time writing new material, reflecting on new directions to take and spending time with loved ones. – Control the things you can, forget about the rest".
What are your plans for the rest of the year?
"I want to take this EP on the road a bit but I am not sure if the country will reach that place this year...
We are also working hard on a Stones & Bones album. We want to have some nice radio-friendly tracks as well as some hard-hitting club-orientated tracks to go back on tour with".