MONARK: Making Magic
By Kyle Gregorowski
Published Sunday, 06 December 2015 09:56
It’s been an absolute joy watching MonArk grow and thrive. They’re one of our little Republic’s favourite acts, and with good reason! We chatted to Graeme Wuh about their new offering, future plans and all things music-related.
Ooh, a deluxe edition! What have you guys added to this special offering?
It’s a double album. There is the original negatives songs, plus four brand new tracks, and a bunch of previously unreleased songs: remixes and alternative versions. They give a little insight into the songwriting process, we think.
Your fan base is growing every day – is it all a little surreal?
It’s fantastic that people like what we do, and we love meeting new fans. When we look back on how quickly things have happened it’s kind of a nice surprise every time. We put a lot of work into making this thing happen, and you get caught up in it, so we don’t always take stock. But when we do, it’s great.
What’s the best show you’ve ever played?
We’ve had a really good year this year with shows. Durban day, KDay, Parklife … they were all brilliant. Jo’burg Day last year will always stand out though. It was one of the first really big shows that we played.
As musicians, what’s more, satisfying to you – radio play or peer recognition?
That’s a tough one. Probably radio play, especially if that is supported by good fan reviews.
What’s next in the pipeline?
We’ve got an exciting December tour planned, heading along the coast. And then next year, after a short holiday, we’re going to continue making an effort to play for and meet as many old and new fans. There are probably a couple more songs in the pipeline too. We never really stop writing.
Where can people get the album?
On iTunes, it should be in all the CD shops, at our shows…
Do you feel more pressure to make your sound more accessible given your widespread success?
There isn’t really any more pressure. We always intended our music to be accessible, so we have put that pressure on ourselves from the start. There is pressure to keep it up though.
What’s your favourite of the new tracks?
It’ll probably depend on who you ask. I, Graeme, really like Soldier.
Who did the album cover – it’s beautiful.
Thanks, we’re glad you like it. Werner from Plastiek did it for us. We tend to be fussy, but he always delivers the goods.
We’re loving your proudly local stance – who is your favourite local act?
GANGS OF BALLET really set the bar high with their songs and live performances. JUST JINJER has also just released a new album and we are really excited to hear it and share the stage with them.