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By David (Devo) Oosthuizen

Published Thursday, 21 November 2019 13:05

Hey South Africa, are you excited about the gods of rock KISS in 2020?

Do you know our very own MARENE from Cape Town also packs a serious punch when it comes to, live shows that are larger than life? David Devo Oosthuizen had a chat with them to learn more.

Updated on:
>> Wednesday, 28 September 2022 09:22

Rock & Roll

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  • Rock & Roll


Old trends are returning and MARENE is in front of the line to bring back the best of the best: good ol’ classic Rock N’ Roll baby! Heavily influenced by bands like KISS and Van Halen, MARENE is bringing back what was once the best of an era (with a MARENE spin on it)! This vibrant band runs around on stage with signature colors, lightshows and choreography; all while still playing an instrument and singing.