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Psychedelic Folk Collective Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys Reveal New Single Stereoscope From Forthcoming Album

| Music

Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys have just shared 'Stereoscope', the first single from a new album which will be out next year.

By Underground Press

Published Thursday, 08 December 2022 06:43

‘A Stereoscope is a device by which two photographs of the same object taken at slightly different angles are viewed together, creating an impression of depth and solidity.’

The song, which plays out on a choked-up Sunday, draws from a personal letter Lucy received in which the writer uses the image of a stereoscope to bring past and present into a single lucid moment.

The lyrics begin with Lucy looking at the writer looking through the stereoscope. The layers of looking draw her into memory and bring up borrowed and remembered phrases and feelings, including a question from ‘The Lady With The Braid’, a song by the late 60s/70s composer Dory Previn, in which she asks her visitor if they would mind if she leaves the light on.

‘The Lady With The Braid’, which like ‘Stereoscope’, addresses another directly, centres around Previn asking her guest to stay the night. She tries to keep the conversation casual but the subtext pierces through in a brilliant and unsettling way. Previn, who has been a musical influence on Lucy, is a largely confessional writer who manages to use warm and engaging musical and lyrical hooks, in combination with some level of irony and humour, to relay what are often devastating details of a difficult story.

Updated on:
>> Thursday, 08 December 2022 06:43

Folk, Lucy Kruger, Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys, Psychedelic Folk

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Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys

Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys

Stream Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys

  • Psychedelic Folk

About Lucy Kruger

Lucy Kruger is a singer-songwriter from Cape Town, South Africa who now lives in Berlin. She creates a slow sinking, dream folk that is both intimate and ambient.


Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys - Stereoscope

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Photography by Holgar Nitschke