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The Color Blew on Their Musical Evolution and the Emotional Journey Behind 'Discount Hearts'

The Color Blew Drops ‘Discount Hearts’ – A Raw Anthem of Self-Worth!

| Music

The Color Blew’s new single ‘Discount Hearts’ is a powerful indie rock anthem that explores self-worth and emotional turmoil.

By Underground Press

Published Friday, 05 July 2024 09:50

The Color Blew’s new single ‘Discount Hearts’ set for release on July 5 is a captivating indie alternative rock anthem that delves into the complexities of self-worth and emotional compromise. Laced with poignant lyrics that reflect on heartbreak and infatuation, the track juxtaposes raw, explosive passion with soothing introspection, embodying the band's signature authentic energy. With its powerful backbeat and evocative storytelling, ‘Discount Hearts’ offers a deeply reflective and emotionally charged listening experience, further solidifying The Color Blew's reputation for delivering profound and dynamic music.

Commentary by Liaan Horton (Guitarist & Vocalist)

“Do you ask for a discount? Or do you simply discount yourself to everyone and everything... Discounted hearts are where it starts, but not where it ends. Settling for a version accepted when it’s discounted enough to afford, but not really what you want. Just close your eyes and look away, let it happen - your job, your happiness, your heartache, your dinner, your choices ... it all ends the same way.

This song is a moment within yourself, a deeply private reflection in an easy-to-swallow wrapper. Pounding like your exploding heart before you kiss the girl, soothing like the embrace you feel when you close your eyes and drift away in a thunderous haze of infatuation. This song is raw, ready, and real ... just like we wanted it to be, straight-up backbeat-kicking passion! Exactly what sets us free!”

Updated on:
>> Tuesday, 02 July 2024 09:53

Punk, Alternative Rock, Jazz, The Color Blew, African Beats

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The Color Blew

The Color Blew

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  • Alternative Rock

About The Color Blew

The Color Blew are a four-piece outfit based in the East Rand of Gauteng. The band joined forces in 2014, bringing together a total of over 65 years of experience.
The Color Blew categorizes their sound into a variety of sub-genres, with the core of their material being, Grunge and Punk, yet are broadly considered Alternative Rock.


The Color Blew - Discount Hearts

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