Review: Oooth – Nothing’s Gonna Change
The first month of the New Year is coming to a close and with it many attempts to maintain New Year’s Resolutions for a bunch of folks.
By Russell Miller
Published Saturday, 30 January 2021 06:50
Rest assured that the more things change, the more things stay the same and South African rockers OOOTH ready willing and able to present Nothing’s Gonna Change to capsulate that in a headbanging, upbeat rocking fashion. This nine-track offering is the passion project of Jason Oosthuizen, who functions as the band’s frontman and primary songwriter.
Nothing’s Gonna Change has a spark that betrays the stagnate nature the album’s title implies. Each track has a twinge of punk rock freneticism that is as infectious as it is invigorating. If lead single ‘Need Some Rest’ was any indication, Oosthuizen and the band are not afraid of anthem songs that shoot a ton of positivity into the veins as is similarly the case with the starry-eyed ‘Loving You’. ‘Your Lies’ marks the darkest and arguably the heaviest track on the list, and it indeed packs a punch and a welcomed changeup mid-album. From there on out, the album remains in-gear until the end serving up track after track of can-do energetic rock that induces a subtle sense of nostalgia with each listen.
From top to bottom it’s a pretty standard athematic display of power chords, soaring vocals, upbeat rhythms, and lyrics that could inspire a generation. OOOTH have put together the perfect pick-me-up record…maybe nothing changing is not as bad as it could be.