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Review: Swandy – The Throne Room

| Album

Swandy’s latest album The Throne Room is both an immense sonic journey and a reflection of shifting attitudes towards the fundamentals of life.

By Daniel Lückhoff-Wessels

Published Tuesday, 02 February 2021 07:15

The album revolves around the concept of "Shufflemancy" – something I hadn’t heard of until now – which is a form of divination that uses the shuffle button to answer life’s big questions. In this case, each song represents one of the Major Arcana cards in tarot and the whole thing, when played on shuffle, doubles as a reading.

With a foundation made from some of the most interesting alt-electronica I’ve heard in some time, Swandy aka Louise Eksteen brings the Arcana to life with each song cutting through the fabric of the world on a societal and personal level.

For those of you who don’t buy into the idea of universal guidance, the album has more than enough power for it to still be a transcendent experience. Swandy’s vocals are immense and, sometimes, even overwhelming. Her unconventional, unpredictable phrasing brings an added element of mania to a voice that demands undivided attention.

Whether you’re looking for personal guidance or simply an intense musical experience The Throne Room is definitely worth listening to although I feel like it’s my duty to say that taking a break is recommended if and when it all gets a bit overwhelming.

Updated on:
>> Monday, 07 November 2022 08:37

Alternative Pop, Swandy

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  • Alternative Pop

About Swandy

Swandy is from Johannesburg, South Africa and is the vocalist and producer of the electronic/alternative act.


Swandy - The Throne Room

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