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Interview: Christopher Kruger, front-man for Jackal and the Wind

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Jackal and the Wind will be at Harringtons, this Thursday. We had a chance to catch up with frontman Christopher Kruger, who had this to say.  

By Liny Kruger

Published Wednesday, 03 July 2019 17:33

When did you first know that you would like to pursue music as a career?

I was never really musical as a kid but I always loved music. When I was 14, I picked up my brother's guitar and I wrote a song. We then recorded it in his room and we got such great feedback from it and ever since then I’ve been pursuing music passionately.

What have been the highlights in your career so far?

The tours that we’ve done up to Joburg and Pretoria were great experiences but I would say playing at Rocking the Daises mainstage was the top highlight. It was by far the biggest and most energetic crowd we’ve performed for.

Artists often say that they “just want to be true to themselves.” Do you think that Creativity should have moral boundaries eg do you write the songs or do the songs write, you?

I think the most important aspect of songwriting is definitely to be true to yourself. Personally, we write music about our own experiences and inspirations. Songwriting should be an expression of one's self, there should also definitely not be any boundaries on creative expression. I’ve always loved the saying do whatever you want to in the world just don’t hurt the people around you or yourself.

How would you explain your music to a 4-year-old?

It's fun and serious. There are happy songs and sad songs. Songs you can dance to and songs you will cry to… but hopefully, most you can dance to.

What can fans expect from your set on Thurs?

Every set we play we try and bring 100% energy, This Thursday will be no different. We always love performing in the Mother City and the Cape Town fans never disappoint. Also, it’s the first Thursday for a few of us members so we keen to get our party on!

What are your plans for 2019?

We are very excited to be releasing a whole bunch of new music and to prepare for our overseas venture in 2020 which we are super excited about… and we might through in an album in between the two.

What was the funniest thing that ever happened at a show?

A drunk girl passed out on the stage below our Lead guitarists feet. We tried to move her but we saw that it was best that she, maybe just stayed on the stage. So we played the whole rest of the show with this girl sleeping the stage. Every now and then she showed a thumbs up so we knew she was still having fun.

We are thoroughly looking forward to the event, it's bound to be a cracker.

Updated on:
>> Wednesday, 28 September 2022 10:41

Indie Pop

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