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Review: Iron Maiden – Book of Souls

| Album

Theatrical, intriguing. The two words that come to mind when writing this review on the Iron Maidens' new Book of Souls Album.

By Caid Auliya Pontus

Published Thursday, 08 October 2015 11:00

What can I say? They still have it.

Broken into two CD's, this album creates a melodic storybook for you. With songs reaching 18 minutes in total.

The first half of the album makes me feel like I'm reading the prologue to a brilliant novel. Understanding the framework that is set up to prepare you for the first chapter to start. Slower and more melodic in its nature, but don't get me wrong, you find yourself jumping up and down, playing air guitar.

The second CD makes me feel like I am preparing for the great battle in this novel. Sitting with my army, planning our pillage!

Don't get me wrong, you can hear the 'ageing' in the band, but it honestly gives the sound more character.

As always, Iron Maiden has swept me off my feet. Truly amazing album. 

Updated on:
>> Friday, 30 September 2022 15:03

Heavy Metal


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Iron Maiden

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About Iron Maiden

Iron Maiden are an English heavy metal band formed in Leyton, East London, in 1975 by bassist and primary songwriter Steve Harris. While fluid in the early years of the band, the lineup for most of the band's history has consisted of Harris, lead vocalist Bruce Dickinson, drummer Nicko McBrain, and guitarists Dave Murray, Adrian Smith, and Janick Gers. The band's discography has grown to 41 albums, including 17 studio albums, 13 live albums, four EPs, and seven compilations. They have also released 47 singles and 20 video albums. Two electronic games have been released with Iron Maiden soundtracks, and the band's music is featured in a number of other video games.


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