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Review: Josh Middleton - 'Never Give Up'

| Album

Unpredictability and originality is the name of the game as Josh Middleton deals with love, loss, and moving on through dynamic beats and passionate vocals in 'Never Give Up'.

By Daniel Lückhoff-Wessels

Published Friday, 12 April 2019 11:46

This album wasn’t written to be played in the background at house parties but rather, to be listened to and internalised, and to comfort anyone who’s struggling to navigate the eat-or-be-eaten world we live in.

The opening track, 'Monster', is a dark, passion-filled anthem for anyone fighting an internal battle with a part of themselves that’s addictive but oh so destructive. As the song builds your energy up before dropping you into a murky half-time tempo Josh Middleton warns us of the monster in him while also recognising and empathising with others who have monsters of their own.

With its groovy guitar and bass lines, 'We’ll Be Talking' is the soundtrack to cutting toxicity out of your life. It’s a reminder that you shouldn’t feel guilty for getting rid of people if they’re not bringing anything good to the table. If you’re in need of a re-affirming breakup song then this is it.

A few songs in the middle such as 'Need Your Love' and 'Redemption' find themselves erring on average while I Heard That It Burns and Gone show off Middleton’s versatility as he dabbles in a bit of dub-step and gives rapper Aewon Wolf the chance to show what he can do.

Things pick up towards the end as 'All I Need' works its way into your bones and gives you the uncontrollable urge to get up and dance before coming to an end with the lyrically tender Hold Me Close.

Josh Middleton’s Hold Me Close is proof that pop is moving forward and developing into something more than catchy beats and average lyrics.

Updated on:
>> Monday, 03 October 2022 07:55



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Josh Middleton

Josh Middleton

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  • Pop

About Josh Middleton

Emerging as a dual national, singer, and songwriter, who’s music resembles a twist of soulful ballads and acoustic pop. Josh Middleton, has spent part of his early years between London and Johannesburg, honing in on the enormity of diverse cultures each city offers which has influenced his writing and genre.
At 17 years old, Josh has burst into an industry defying norms, crossing borders and drawing tears to his audience's eyes through the powerful lyrics he writes. With his quirky appearance and maturity beyond his years, there is much to love about this old soul.


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