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Cape Town based indie rockers Wicked World release the video for debut single Music

| Music

By Underground Press

Published Friday, 30 September 2022 06:07

Wicked World is a 4-piece South African group hailing from Cape Town. They formed in 2021—an assortment of harmony-loving misfits who serendipitously discovered they all had one key characteristic in common: a passion for making music. And not just any music. All music. From folk to pop-rock to semi-metal to glam acid jazz punk if that’s even a thing. Today sees the release of their debut single ‘Music’ and accompanying video.

"Music is a light-hearted song about being hungover and the flashbacks to the silliness of "the night before".... The embarrassment eventually subsides, and the life lessons are learned.” Explains the band on the inspiration behind the track.

Regarding the comical video they say” We wanted to make an equally light-hearted music video to go with the song, and so, as you would expect from a typical, "unhappy in his work", "chasing the wrong dream" human, the main character in this video, Wicked World singer, Ruan, plays out all of these clichés with determination and humour! Enjoy!”

Contrary to what the name would have you believe, Wicked World is anything and everything but ‘wicked’—at least not in the traditional sense of the word (wicked cool, with wicked tongues, maybe). Rather, the band is a product of the environment in which it exists—a vibrant reflection of life’s duality, both the beauty and darkness of existence, captured and articulated through an artfully blended lens of worldliness, innocence, respect, appreciation, admiration and, very often, biting wit.

That’s about as close a description as one can find to encapsulate a group of such contrasting musical influences, multi-instrumental talents, and far-reaching, on-the-road experience.

Simply said—or, as the band’s debut offering so patently puts it—when all else fails… music.

Updated on:
>> Thursday, 06 October 2022 11:55

Acoustic Rock

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  • Acoustic Rock

About Wicked World

Wicked World is an Acoustic Rock band from South Africa. Enthusiastic students of music that share a love for harmonious melodies in the eardrums


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