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Review: Chilled Alaskan DJ – Battlelines

| Album

Cape Town-based Chilled Alaskan DJ will have you dancing to the end of the world with his latest Album Battlelines.

By Daniel Lückhoff-Wessels

Published Monday, 05 October 2020 08:20

Having started as a psychedelic punk guitarist for late 90s outfit Onoxshis, Chilled Alaskan DJ aka David van Rensburg then ventured out into the wild world of EDM where he developed a sound that’s a combination of guitar riffs, techno beats, and organic textures.

Battlelines, the DJ’s first release in 8 years, is filled with a bitter irony which is tangible from the jump as 'Freakshow' brings the absurdity of American politics into the spotlight and closes with the refrain “apocalyptic sociopaths, they make me really happy.”

'Midnight' has a sinister, chaotic energy that becomes more dystopian as the song goes on, at times hinting at a revolution that gets stopped in its tracks. The aforementioned revolution comes into its own on 'Mirror murder mother' as the palpable tension in the first half of the song - which feels a lot like the socio-political tensions we’re in the grips of now – descends into inevitable chaos driven by machine guns and police sirens.

'The end of the universe' brings the Album to a sentimental, almost nostalgic close. With a softer, more lyrical quality that its predecessors the song is a reminder that life is fragile and temporary, and that our politics are, at the end of the day, completely pointless on a cosmic level.

Battlelines is an Album that matches the never-ending chaos of this stage in humanity’s history. Chilled Alaskan DJ’s unpredictable songwriting and arrangements mirror the unpredictability of our daily lives while also making poignant statements about the current global state of affairs.

Updated on:
>> Tuesday, 04 October 2022 18:18

EDM, Electronic Dance Music, DJ, Chilled Alaskan DJ

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Chilled Alaskan DJ

Chilled Alaskan DJ

  • Electronic

About Chilled Alaskan DJ

AKA David van Rensburg, this psychedelic punk guitarist produces a mashup of guitar riffs, techno beats and organic textures with sampled and recorded vocals. The name? Think pet cat sitting on a turntable.
All music is performed, recorded and mixed by CADJ. Initially inspired to play music upon hearing Nirvana's Nevermind, CADJ continues to be inspired by artists like Igorr and Massive Attack