Review: Crimson House - 'Bounceology'
Crimson House releases their wonderfully infectious Bounceology.
By Daniel Lückhoff-Wessels
Published Friday, 16 August 2019 09:56
It’s all about love and bringing people together in Crimson House’s latest album 'Bounceology', which is a smorgasbord of different genres all held together by a single thread, the band’s trademark sound and energy.
Having found a love for Gypsy music and adding it to their arsenal, the band brings together everything from ska and hip-hop to rock and blues in the same way they want their music to bring people together.
The Gypsy influence is evident from the beginning with the charmingly syncopated 'Unicorns' before turning into a more reggae-based sound in 'Bantu Bird'. The sonic mixology carries on throughout with songs like the bluesy 'Pot of Gold', a song about finding purpose in life, and the quietly inspirational 'Free To Dream'.
The ode to love, 'Medicine', brings a surprising hard-rock punch to the album before 'On The Prowl' takes us back to the days of bands like ZZ-Top with its cool, silky-smooth blues. The Gypsy influence comes through again on 'Jo Bounce' which brings the album to a fitting close with its steady backbeat and radiant positivity.
Despite the ever-changing nature of their sound, Crimson House manage to keep their feel-good identity strong throughout 'Bounceology', inevitably leaving smiling faces its wake.