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Review: Francois van Coke - 'Dagdrome in Suburbia'

| Album

Francois van Coke proves that he still has a lot of tricks up his sleeve and isn’t afraid to roll with the times in his latest album 'Dagdrome in Suburbia'.

By Daniel Lückhoff-Wessels

Published Monday, 09 December 2019 10:57

With no two songs sounding the same. Van Coke steps back and takes stock of his life. With a bit of happiness here and regret there he comes to terms with being an “anargis wat bly in die burbs.”

After *'In Die Nuus', a short but damning critique on the simple life, so to speak, 'Ek Probleem' takes a frustrated swipe at living in a culture that doesn’t suit your way of life before “As Ek Kon” calms things down.

Sharing certain similarities with Cat Stevens’ 'Father and Son' 'As Ek Kon' is a song filled with regret and advice, and an understanding and acceptance that there’s only so much he can do when trying to guide someone else through life.

'Daarsy Boys' picks things up again with its pop-driven attitude that will bring a familiar smile to any South African’s face and the title track will strike a chord with anyone who’s ever dreamt of a better life.

Things take a wobble with 'Not Like Them', a rap-heavy number featuring local wordsmith Riky Rick. One has to respect van Coke’s constant willingness to experiment and keep things sounding fresh but unfortunately, his pop-rock choruses don’t synch smoothly with Rick’s verses.

“Dagdrome in Suburbia” is an album rich in emotion, both good and bad that, for the most part, proves that Francois van Coke is far from done with writing music.

*'In Die Nuus' - Riaan Cruywagen

Updated on:
>> Monday, 03 October 2022 19:57

Contemporary Rock, Francois Van Coke

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Francois Van Coke

Francois Van Coke

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  • Contemporary Rock

About Francois Van Coke

Francois Badenhorst, better known by his stage name Francois Van Coke, rose to fame as the frontman of South African rock bands Fokofpolisiekar and Van Coke Kartel. On 8 April 2015, Francois launched his self-titled debut solo album and kicked his solo career into gear with the release of – 'Toe Vind Ek Jou' featuring Karen Zoid.
It was the first Afrikaans album and single to simultaneously jump to number one position on the South African iTunes Store. The song was downloaded more than 20,000 times on iTunes, achieving Platinum status as a single. The music video for 'Toe Vind Ek Jou' was viewed over a million times within six-month and was announced as the biggest Afrikaans music video of 2015. His second album, Hierdie is die Lewe followed in 2017 and in 2018 he released a collab-EP, Francois van Coke en Vriende featuring collaborations with Die Heuwels Fantasties, Early B, Laudo Liebenberg and Jack Parow.
The first season of his TV show, Die Van Coke Show, aired in 2018. His third solo album, Dagdrome in Suburbia, was released in October 2019. He has a daughter named Alex, age 4–5, and an infant boy.


Francois Van Coke - Dagdrome in Suburbia

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