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Review: We Kill Cowboys - 'Dirty Business'

| EP

Who said punk was dead? This Psychedelic punk-rock band has a unique way of expressing their views on various topics.

By Frederic Egersdörfer

Published Friday, 25 November 2022 11:06

South African, Cape Town-based, four-piece psychedelic punk-rock band unleashes an explosive new EP with raw lyrics and adapting worldwide issues.

We kill Cowboys is a Cape Town-based, Four Piece, Psychedelic Cowpunk Band and is the brainchild of Tattoo Artist and singer-songwriter, Alex Muller.

Alex’s powerful punk rock vocals are exactly what the punk rock scene needs and raises the bar for other punk bands to step up to.

Dirty Business is raw and to the point. There is enough energy to go around for everyone.
Delivering songs on a range of worldwide topics, We Kill Cowboys are expressing their views on a messed up world system.

With songs about feminism, drugs, love and personal experience, everything you can just about relate to. Dirty Business is complete with a journey through the struggle of life’s issues.

What are you waiting for? Go on, take a listen now. (Listen to 'She's Dead' below)

Updated on:
>> Friday, 25 November 2022 11:06

Punk Rock, Review

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We Kill Cowboys

We Kill Cowboys

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  • Punk Rock

About We Kill Cowboys

We Kill Cowboys is a Cape Town-based, four-piece psychedelic punk-rock/cowpunk band.
Cowpunk is a subgenre of punk rock that began in the United Kingdom and Southern California in the late 1970s - early 1980s. It combines punk rock or new wave with country, folk, and blues in its sound, lyrical subject matter, attitude, and style.


We Kill Cowboys - Dirty Business

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