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Review: HYMR - ‘Artificial Intelligence’

| Album

Johannesburg-based producer HYMR’s debut album, Artificial Intelligence is dripping in cinematic glory but for a handful of tracks that, while sounding good, don’t add any weight to the piece.

By Daniel Lückhoff-Wessels

Published Monday, 03 August 2020 08:09

Fillers aside the record paints an intriguing portrait of the cyber-dystopia we are so rapidly heading towards where robots have the power to kill us and the environment has been tortured to within an inch of its life.

'Artificial Intelligence', a remix of a track that features, later on, sounds like the intro to a dystopian film. A young protagonist stands on the roof of a high-rise building dreaming of a better world as they look out on a 21st-century Hell-scape defined by monotonous grey buildings and never-ending rain.

'Cosmic Dreamer', an instrumental number that brings a world of tension to the album, continues this cinematic idea before 'Polluted Planet' takes things in a more EDM-based direction. While the song has a definite sadness to it, it doesn’t develop in any meaningful way.

Songs like “Imagination” and “We Belong Together” take things in a more generic direction, their beats and lyrics being more suited to a club setting than most of the other tracks.

'The Dawn of A.I' is, in my opinion, one of the highlights of the album. The intro has a sense of anticipation which is heightened by the almost mournful guitar run. What the song does brilliantly is marrying its filthy trance beats with the over-arching themes of the record, a robotic voice repeating the words “don’t make me destroy you” giving the good times a menacing undertone.

While Artificial Intelligence might be a few tracks too long the overall production is golden. There are standout moments throughout which reinforce the dystopian milieu that’s there to remind us of the soul-crushing future we’re facing.

Artificial Intelligence is available now on all digital platforms including Spotify,Deezer & Apple Music

Updated on:
>> Tuesday, 04 October 2022 14:18

Electronic, HYMR

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  • Electronic

About HYMR

HYMR is a music composer whose compositions capture the beauty and emotion of everyday life. HYMR is based in Johannesburg, Gauteng Province, South Africa and his unique background gives him the uncanny ability to tell people stories through music, using his melodic gift to evoke the listener’s deepest feelings.​


HYMR - Artificial Intelligence

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