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Review: Age of The Wolf & Tel – VIGILS

| EP

Age of the Wolf and Tel offer variations of the same musical themes in their split EP Vigils.

By Daniel Lückhoff-Wessels

Published Friday, 08 October 2021 09:43

With all feet planted firmly in doom-laced apocalyptic soundscapes, the two bands embellish their shared formula, one sticking to more conventional routes while the other goes in an experimental direction.

Age of the Wolf’s two tracks 'Priestess of Cledones' and 'Slaves to the Riff' indulge in long, cinematic compositions topped off with ferociously screamed and growled lyrics of mythology and existential stress. The overall sound is one that pushes few boundaries but succeeds in being immensely heavy and consistently captivating.

Tel, on the other hand, offers up something that surprises in the most wonderful way. The general sound is much the same – except for “Salvation” which opts for an almost spine-tingling haunting acoustic atmosphere - if a bit less heavy but it’s the vocals that set the two acts apart. Rather than scream the entire way through vocalist Dante DuVall opts for a sound that brings up images of druids around fires and secret metaphysical missions as he sings about regret and addiction and other very real, universal experiences.

What gives Vigils its magic is the fact that, even though both bands exist on different points along the musical spectrum, there’s a consistent foundational sound that unifies Age of the Wolf and Tel while the contrast in the finer details gives their embellishments even more of the spotlight.

Updated on:
>> Monday, 03 October 2022 21:20

Doom Metal, Age of The Wolf, Tel

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Age of The Wolf

Age of The Wolf

Stream Age of The Wolf on Spotify

  • Doom metal

About Age of The Wolf

There’s not really a specific genre to place’s music, settling the term “Fuzz Worshipping Doom”. Doom infused with stoner, catchy riffs, with the heaviness and emotion of sludge, the band seeks to travel through different genres in order to emanate feelings and emotions.


Stream Tel on BandCamp

Age of Wolf & Tel - Split - 'Vigils'