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Review: Cece Vee – Past Midnight

| EP

Cece Vee throws her hat into the grown-up pop ring with Past Midnight, a debut EP that understands the internal stresses of modern life.

By Daniel Lückhoff-Wessels

Published Wednesday, 09 February 2022 06:34

The last few years have seen a significant upturn in pop that runs headlong into the chaos of being a young person in the modern world and, while it may not be punching with the heaviest of heavyweights, Past Midnight captures its zeitgeist all the while keeping the toes tapping with infectious beats.

Don’t let said beats fool you, though, as this is an EP whose true impact lies in its lyrics. Without being overly complex CeCe Vee marries nostalgia and uncertainty in 'DeLorean' in a way that’s accessible and relatable to anyone who’s questioned their place in the world while the title track embodies the moment when the sun comes up after an all-nighter and the voice of sensibility rises up and demands an impossible explanation.

Musically Past Midnight opts for a minimalist approach that gives the melodies space to explore and create soundscapes packed with quiet but potent feelings. 'Parasite aka A Song For My Shadow,' for example, balances light, delicate piano lines with a frenetic, impatient beat to create the existential discomfort of trying to cut away one’s toxicities.

For a debut EP, Past Midnight is a promising offering. Not only does it show CeCe Vee’s musical acumen but also an understanding of the angst that comes with being young in an uncertain world.

Updated on:
>> Monday, 03 October 2022 21:32

Singer-songwriter, Modern Rock, Cece Vee

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Cece Vee

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  • Modern Pop

About Cece Vee

Cece Vee is a trailblazing South African singer and multi-instrumentalist with powerfully emotive music that features a unique blend of confessional lyrics underpinned by a refreshing modern pop style.


Cece Vee 'Past Midnight'

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