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Review: Fay Lamour – Let’s Get Lost

| EP

Fay Lamour and Mick Hudson philosophise about love with refreshing maturity in their EP Let’s Get Lost.

By Daniel Lückhoff-Wessels

Published Thursday, 16 December 2021 07:43

With so much music out there dedicated to figuring out the mysteries of that most universal feeling, it’s rare that something truly poignant and stirring comes along, but Let’s Get Lost is just that.

An overall Lo-Fi sonic aesthetic sets the mood as mellow hip-hop beats and sophisticated jazz melodies create a feeling of introspection for lyrics and old-school sound-bites to ponder the difficulties of our basic need for love.

Subverting the norm somewhat, the sound-bites–sourced from movies like 1934’s It Happened one Night and 1939’s Love Affair - hold the spotlight more than the lyrics, a risky but successful decision.

There are some bits that are so charmingly and classically cheesy that the heart can’t help but stir a little at the simple romance of it all and others that take a sober look at the risks and rewards that come with diving in the deep end.

Lamour’s vocals bridge the gap between naivety and caution with a world-weary heaviness that puts warning lights around her feelings. In 'FEELINGSSUCKXx,' for example, we see the two sides of love, the breakup and the desire, both delivered with jaded maturity; a battle-scarred whatever to whatever the outcome.

Let’s Get Lost is about as short as an EP gets but within its ten-and-a-half minute run-time, Fay Lamour and Mick Hudson explore a world of gooey and chaotic feelings that, I’m sure, will tug at even the most cynical of heart-strings.

Updated on:
>> Tuesday, 04 October 2022 12:38

Singer-songwriter, Fay Lamour


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Fay Lamour

Fay Lamour

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  • Singer-songwriter

About Fay Lamour

Fay Lamour is a solo singer/songwriter/pianist from Cape Town, South Africa. Creating a retro futurist sound, sonically soft, yet emotion create a retro futurist sound, sonically soft, yet emotionally intense.


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