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Review: Elle E - 'Stereo Child'

| EP

Elle E’s latest offering 'Stereo Child' is the energy boost you didn’t know you needed.

By Daniel Lückhoff-Wessels

Published Thursday, 04 April 2019 07:18

Elle E‘s latest three-track EP, 'Stereo Child' is a fuzz-heavy, cymbal-driven, foot-stomping celebration of music, happiness, and love.

The opening title track explores what it is that makes music so damn addictive. “It modifies the inside of you / never mind what the outside will do” croons Elle E in the chorus as the instruments around her drive the song forward at breakneck speed. There are moments of relative calm here and there, a chance to catch one’s breath, but on the whole, this song is a balls-to-the-walls salutation to good times.

'Happy Days' is a fuzzy, feel-good ode to those days where the sun is at just the right temperature and everything feels right in the world. Unlike “Stereo Child” this song has more of an ebb and flow to it, with softer sections that wouldn’t sound out of place on a Velvet Underground record, balancing out her trademark garage rock choruses.

Things get real heavy in 'With You' as the instruments swap out rhythms like people swap out outfits when getting ready for a night out. Proving that she’s a romantic at heart, Elle E sings about that perfect kind of love where you never want to be separated as the music moves between steady, focused verses and head-bang worthy choruses.

'Stereo Child' is one of those EPs that will have you tapping your feet long after the last notes have been played and feeling like you can take on anything that life throws your way.


Updated on:
>> Monday, 03 October 2022 20:22

Indie Rock, Elle E

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Elle E

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  • Indie Rock

About Elle E

Ellenie Eloff aka Elle E is a self taught singer/song writer. This DIY musicians obsession with music has seen her forever exploring new sounds and ways of expressing herself - producing most of her music at home she applies the same DIY thinking into creating the visual aesthetic that defines her unique style. Genres: Alternative - Art Rock - Indie Rock - Bedroom Pop


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