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Review: The Gambles - 'Loaded Dice'

| EP

The Gambles show-off their musical chops with debut EP 'Loaded Dice'.

By Daniel Lückhoff-Wessels

Published Monday, 11 November 2019 08:23

Cape Town-based Groove-rock outfit THE GAMBLES show off just how versatile they are with their latest EP 'Loaded Dice'.

To clarify, Groove-rock is the term the band came up with to describe themselves, and it’s a mixture of classic rock, blues, R&B, reggae, and jazz.

The piece opens with 'Fun Don’t Pay the Bills', a mostly rock and roll number with a hint of funk that tries to find that ever-so-fine line between being a free, fun-loving musician and being a responsible adult.

'Gamblers on the Breeze' has an immense swagger to it as it introduces us to THE GAMBLES’ jazzier side before 'Murky Waters' brings in some feel-good reggae beats.

'Run' brings us back to the world of traditional rock ‘n’ roll with a Bon Jovi-Esque ballad before a live version of the tense, bluesy 'Bad Man' – featuring the powerful vocals of Esme de Vos – brings the curtain down.

If there’s one thing that 'Loaded Dice' proves it’s that The Gambles are versatile and not afraid to take risks, which can only bode well for future releases.

Updated on:
>> Monday, 03 October 2022 20:42

Rock, The Gambles

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The Gambles

The Gambles

  • Rock

About The Gambles

The Gambles a a Cape Town-based rock band consisting of 5 eclectic members, namely, Dean Coché (Vocals & Guitar), Esmé de la Noché (Vocals), Kent Farmer (Lead Guitar), Brandon Bell (Bass Guitar) and Jean Marais (Drums). Each of the members come from various backgrounds and influences, ranging from rock to blues to reggae, and everything in between. The name “The Gambles” symbolises the different kinds of genres apparent in their music.


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