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Review: Savage Lucy – 'Reverie'

| Album

Since the dawn of music, there has always been a need to escape.  Music is that foundation that builds your soul. It lifts your mood and lets you soar when you are sad and even when you are in a good place.

By Frederic Egersdörfer

Published Saturday, 12 September 2015 10:09

Sometimes you find that rare gem in music that does just that for you. Savage Lucy is one band I can add to this list. As progressive rock artists, this local South African act sets new standards, combining, metal, jazz and blues influences into the mix. Savage lucy goes the extra mile to please everyone from a genre-specific background.


I am glad to see new bands emerging where they are not afraid to take these risks. Everything seems experimental yet they went forward and forged a new dying trend back into the scene. Kudos to Savage lucy for making this bold move.

Although the album lacks lyrics, their instrumental act lets you feel your own way around this album. I for one am hooked and you should consider giving these guys a listen.

Updated on:
>> Friday, 30 September 2022 15:02

Progressive Rock

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Savage Lucy

Savage Lucy

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  • Progressive Rock

About Savage Lucy

Savage Lucy is a Johannesburg based instrumental trio, formed in April 2011, including Austen Lewis on guitars, Steven Bosman on drums and Clint Falconer on bass. Savage Lucy aim to build upon their influences, orchestrating sonic voyages that seize and provoke discerning ears.