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Review: Danielle Zinn – 'Gravity'

| EP

By Frederic Egersdörfer

Published Monday, 30 November 2015 09:22

Listening to DANIELLE ZINN’s EP, ’Gravity’ for some time you experience a shift in  your mood that certainly has you dancing with her first song ‘Faith’

DANIELLE ZINN has made her debut EP a success with a classic sound that is certainly lacking in S.A. I am sure we will hear more of her time goes by.

With only 5 songs in her EP. You can only imagine what her potential would be if she had a complete album to listen to.

The impact Danielle Zinn has made on my ears has made her someone on my list worth watching out for in the future.

Stay tuned.


Updated on:
>> Monday, 03 October 2022 20:11

Singer-songwriter, Danielle Zinn

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Daniel Zinn

Daniel Zinn

Stream Danielle Zinn on Spotify

  • Singer-songwriter

About Daniel Zinn

Danielle Zinn is a South African singer-songwriter and up-and-coming Indie folk artist. She performs all over the country so come to a show and watch and listen as Danielle carries the crowd.


Danielle Zinn - Gravity

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