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Review: Safety First ft. Fay Lamour – ‘Outer Space’

| Single

Fay Lamour and Safety First!’s Dylan Retief team up for a Hidden Track Session performance of their enigmatic, multi-layered single ‘Outer Space.’

By Daniel Lückhoff-Wessels

Published Friday, 27 August 2021 08:46

This is one of those songs whose full magnitude only becomes apparent in hindsight. The shift in tone that takes it from being a lazy day in the grass to a full-blown, multi-layered existential crisis is so subtle that you only really realise what’s happened when you think back to the opening bars – something which, to my mind, is down to the contrast in style.

The intro sets the scene for a feel-good ode to the careless abandon of youth with Retief starting proceedings with effortlessly casual vocals and guitar-work while Lamour brings an enigmatic elegance on piano.

It’s when the jazz-based songstress adds her voice to the mix that the song really starts coming to life. The calm, fatalistic tragedy in her performance grounds the piece and gives Retief the freedom to fill his words with an at times passionate and at others despondent anguish.

Building on that energy is the video of the duo’s Hidden Track Session. Without doing much more than just be themselves the pair gives a performance that’s both engaging and evocative – something which is boosted by intimate but unintrusive cinematography that sets the mood perfectly.

The end result is a track that’s alive with contrast and intrigue and a video dripping with an intimacy that captures the essence of Fay Lamour and Dylan Retief.

Updated on:
>> Tuesday, 04 October 2022 13:23

Singer-songwriter, Fay Lamour

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Fay Lamour

Fay Lamour

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About Fay Lamour

Fay Lamour is a solo singer/songwriter/pianist from Cape Town, South Africa. Creating a retro futurist sound, sonically soft, yet emotion create a retro futurist sound, sonically soft, yet emotionally intense.


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